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Week 38 - Bible Project Video Class

Our theme series on spiritual beings continues this week with part 2: "Elohim." We'll also look at the biblical theme of the Royal Priest with a focus on Moses and Aaron, and move ahead in our book overview to 2 Corinthians.

Book of the Week -

2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians encourages believers to embrace and follow the way of Jesus that transforms lives and values generosity, humility, and weakness.

Theme of the Week - The Royal Priest:Moses and Aaron

In this video, we explore the beginnings of Israel’s failed priesthood and the need for a royal priest who will offer his life for his people.

theme of the Week -

spiritual beings series:


One God, but many gods? The word elohim can raise a lot of questions. Look at the meaning of this word as we explore this important biblical term.

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Service Times: 

-  In-person Sundays at 10am

- On Facebook Live Sundays at 10:00am

- On-demand at anytime here on the website.

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(903) 739-9463

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