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Communication & Promo Requests

Ministry Update

This form is designed to help update us on what is going on in your ministry in the upcoming 6 weeks and to celebrate your wins from the previous 6 weeks!


3410 Facility Request Form

Use this form to request 3410 facility use. 

Please allow 7-10 days for your request to be processed and to receive a response.


Ministry & Event Promo Request Form

Have an event coming up? Use this form to communicate all the details. Please summit 6-8 weeks (or more!) in advance.

Image by Joanna Kosinska

Design & Print Project Request Form

Website Update Request

Website Changes/Updates - 2 weeks

Share Your Story

We're always on the look out for stories of how God is moving at cfParis so that we can encourage our church community with them! If you or someone in your ministry has a story of life-change that they'd like to share, please fill out the following form and we will be in touch with you on how we can best share your story with the church!

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